『壹』 求一篇关于食品安全的英语作文

Food Safety In recent years ,more and more people pay attention to the food safety issues. With the improvement of our living standards,people are increasingly concerned about their diet,but the food safety issues turn out frequently,like the Melamine issues. There are several reasons accounting for this phenomenon. Among all the reasons, the preference of factories plays the more important role. In order to gain more benefits ,many factories ignore the safety of food but use the chemical additives. Bisides, consumer konwledge about food safety lacking lead to the food safety issues. In my opinion,our country should make relevant laws to specificate the food proction .At the same time ,our consumers should learn more knowledge about food safety.

『贰』 英语作文(食品安全)在线等

Currently, many problems concerning the safety of food have popped up.As for me, I believe at least three factors account for this issue.
First, I observe that profits drive many food procers to commitillegal things. They aim to gain more money at the expense of consumers’health. Second, the overuse of agricultural pesticide has resulted in thedegradation of food quality. The excessive pesticide bears enormous healthhazard for people. Furthermore, some food procers inject hormones intodomestic animals so as to make them grow more quickly and thus they can turn inmore profit. As a result, people’s health hasbeen seriously disturbed.
All in all, food safety is such a great concern, and we all shouldestablish laws and implement them effectively to avoid procing toxic foods.

『叁』 有关食品安全的英文论文

Annex 3: Agricultural Policy and Food Security in China

Food security and the performance of the agricultural sector
Agricultural development strategy, policies and food security
China's food economy prospects
Issues and challenges
Concluding Remarks


China's effort to proce enough to feed its growing population has long been recognized. It feeds over one-fifth of the world's population with only one-fifteenth of the world's arable land. In recent history, China has either exported food or imported relatively little. China was a net exporter of food, even of grain, in the 1950s. Although China became a net importer of grain in the 1960s, the share of net imports to total domestic consumption was marginal. Net import shares reached approximately three percent in the early reform period (1978-84), then declined to approximately one percent in the following period (1985-90). China has since become a net grain exporter, except in 1995 when it had a record level grain imports of nearly 20 million tons. Net exports between 1992 and 1994 were over 5 million tons annually.

While China's grain imports may grow slightly in the coming decades, the nation has developed a strong position as a net exporter of food (both grain and non grain) in value terms by exporting high value-added foodstuff including livestock procts and other processed foods ring the reform period. Net food exports grew to 2.3 billion US dollars in 1985 and peaked at 6.3 billion dollars in 1993, from a state of balanced trade (in value terms) in 1980 (China Customs Statistics).

China's future food security, however, is a subject of growing concern. First, although China's food proction has grown over the last several decades, year-to-year fluctuations of food supply and prices are significant. Market stabilization and food price inflation have been among the major targets of government policy since the late 1980s. The Chinese government considers maintaining a comparatively high level of food self-sufficiency, avoiding supply shocks, and stabilizing consumer prices, a matter of national security and stability:

Only when the Chinese people are free from food availability and stability of food supply worries can they concentrate on and support the current reform, thus ensuring a sustained, rapid and healthy development of the economy (The State Council, 1996).
To this end, the government recently adopted measures to stabilize domestic food supply and stabilize the market - these measures include administrative and economic intervention in food distribution and marketing systems, national and local food reserve schemes, price regulations, international trade, factor markets, and rural infrastructure development.
Secondly, food security and access to food are mainly poverty issues. Although national economic growth is strong, it is uneven across regions. Farmer's incomes in the central and eastern regions of China continue to grow more rapidly than those in the west and southwest. Income inequality among regions, between rural and urban areas, and within regions continues to grow (MOA, 1997). In the early 1980s, tremendous progress was made in addressing China's poverty problem, mainly e to the government's rural reform program. However, this progress has slowed down over the past ten years.

Finally, China's food supply availability could be a major food security issue in the coming decades if policies were not formulated in the right directions. Worldwide, food proction growth rates have outpaced population growth in recent decades, implying increased food

『肆』 哪有关于食品安全的英文论文




『伍』 关于食品安全的英语作文(简单一点)

Dear editor,
I'm writing to tell you something about the problem of food safety.
A couple of days ago,one of my classmates bought a bag of food from a supermarket. Some roommates were invited to enjoy the food. Unfortunately,after finishing it,all of them got poisoned and had stomachaches with their faces pale. They were quickly sent to a nearby hospital. A doctor examined them and gave them some medicine. They were out of danger soon after taking the medicine.
This accident made me realize the seriousness of the food safety problem. I sincerely hope that the whole society pay much more attention to food safety.

『陆』 食品安全 (英语作文)

These days, the topic about food safety has become more and more popular. For example, episodes of food poisoning cause illness in at least one third of the Chinese population each year, and this number is steadily increasing .In addition, events like “Sudan-red in eggs” has occurred one by one. So food security has become a series problem relating to everybody.
Problems on food do harm to our health. If we eat something unsafe, we are easy to suffer from intestinal illness. For people who are otherwise ill or malnourished, or for the very old or young, even these relatively mild disturbances can be fatal. Besides, this issue has made people upset as they don’t know whether they have eaten is safe.
So what should we do to solve this problem? Firstly, the government should take effective measures to stop the illegal procts from flowing into the market. Secondly, salesmen should stop selling unsafe food. Last but not the least, we should learn to prevent ourselves from unsafe food.

『柒』 关于食品安全的英语作文

一、Dear editor,
I'm writing to tell you something about the problem of food safety.
A couple of days ago,one of my classmates bought a bag of food from a supermarket. Some roommates were invited to enjoy the food. Unfortunately,after finishing it,all of them got poisoned and had stomachaches with their faces pale. They were quickly sent to a nearby hospital. A doctor examined them and gave them some medicine. They were out of danger soon after taking the medicine.
This accident made me realize the seriousness of the food safety problem. I sincerely hope that the whole society pay much more attention to food safety.
Lu Han

My View on Food Security

Over the past couple of years, several cases of the food scandal have been disclosed on various media. The problem of food security has become a hot button across society. The prevalence of food insecurity has greatly impacted public health, which the government could not afford to ignore, according to the online edition of the People Daily. ­
There are a couple of driving forces, I would argue, behind this undesirable tide. First, in the course of the rapid economic evolution, we ignore moral ecation, giving rise to the rising rate of the problem. More importantly, the lack of adequate regulation and punishment on those illegal procers enforces the trend. ­
As Confucius instructed, it is better late than never. Prompt and strict measures should be taken to turn back this evil trend. The government should launch a massive moral campaign to ecate all citizens and draw up tougher laws to crack down on those irresponsible corporations and prohibit them from entering the food instry again. I am firmly convinced that through our combined efforts we are bound to enjoy more risk-free foods in the days ahead.­

On the Food Security

Over the past couple of years, several cases of the food scandal have been disclosed on various media. The problem of food security has become a hot button across society. The prevalence of food insecurity has greatly impacted public health, which the government could not afford to ignore, according to the online edition of the People Daily.
There are a couple of driving forces, I would argue, behind this undesirable tide. First, in the course of the rapid economic evolution, we ignore moral ecation, giving rise to the rising rate of the problem. More importantly, the lack of adequate regulation and punishment on those illegal procers enforces the trend.
As Confucius instructed, it is better late than never. Prompt and strict measures should be taken to turn back this evil trend. The government should launch a massive moral campaign to ecate all citizens and draw up tougher laws to crack down on those irresponsible corporations and prohibit them from entering the food instry again. I am firmly convinced that through our combined efforts we are bound to enjoy more risk-free foods in the days ahead.

『捌』 关于食品安全的英语作文带翻译300字左右

As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for people. Food safety is very important for people.Nowadays, there are more and more food safety problems. Many people use bad substitutes for low-cost proction. It scares us.We are all very worried about buying bad things, and businesses ignore our food safety for their own interests.


『玖』 食品安全论文 800字


【关键词】食品安全隐患 现状 食源性疾病 监管状况 建议
中国有句话:民以食为天。食品是人类赖以生存和发展的最基本的物质条件。中国还有句话:病从口入。食品的质量不安全,将会影响到人们的健康。食品的安全问题关系到全人类的生活、生存、延续,是人类发展的一个重要课题。正是由于食品市场的巨大潜力,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,近几年我国食品加工业获得了空前的发展,使得各种新型食品层出不穷。每天只要我们打开电视,翻看报纸,都可以看到大量各式各样的食品广告。走上街头,不论是在商场、超市乃至街摊,食品都占据着市场的主要份额。而最近一个时期,随着各行各业透明度的进一步提高,食品的质量问题也频频被媒体所暴光,这直接导致了食品行业的安全问题成为人们最普遍关心的一大主题。如今食品安全已是我国消费者的“心头大患”, 事关消费者乃至下一代的健康和安全,是目前对公共健康面临的最主要威胁之一。因此,重视食品安全已经成为衡量人民生活质量、社会管理水平和国家法制建设的一个重要方面。我们在看到世界性的食品安全存在问题的同时,应明白我国食品安全法律体系所存在的问题和不足,各级有关政府部门应高度重视这一问题,进一步加强和完善我国的食品安全法律体系,与时俱进,这在当前尤为重要和迫切。
在我国曾发生两起较大的食品安全事件,至今还让人心有余悸。一起是1988年初在上海发生的因市民食用受到污染的毛蚶而爆发的甲肝大流行事件,当时患者达31万例,造成不少人员死亡,上海市民出行(指到外地)受到限制,食品出口遭到退回,经济损失惨重。另一起是1997年12月发生在香港的禽流感,该事件对我国禽肉的出口影响很大。近年来,危害人民身体健康甚至危及生命的食品安全方面的重大事件频频发生,其数量和危害程度呈日益上升的趋势。如2001年发生在浙江省的白砂糖中添加“吊白块”案件; 重庆市“毛发水”酱油案件;广东省劣质大米案件;江西省河豚鱼中毒案件;内蒙古死因不明羊肉案件; 天津市输液瓶灌装酱油案件;江西省病死猪肉加工食品案件;重庆市非法加工伪劣食品案件;因食用含有“瘦肉精”(即盐酸克伦特罗)的猪肉,致使杭州市60多人食物中毒和 广东省信谊县百余人食物中毒案件;再到到今天的孔雀石绿、苏丹红、大头婴儿、三聚氰胺案件等等。此外,涉及到因假酒、农药残留、食品或饲料中添加违禁物质造成的食物中毒,导致人员死亡和大批人员集体住院的事件时有发生。据专家估计,我国每年食物中毒报告涉及的总人数为2~4万人,但这一数字尚不到实际发生数的十分之一,也就是说我国每年食物中毒人数大约为20~40万人。从各种案例和数字来看,足以让我们触目惊心,这个定时炸弹就在我们身边,随时爆发。因此对食品安全的整治,提高食品安全系数,让我们食得安全,食得放心,这些工作刻不容缓。
为了预防和治疗家禽、畜和水产品患病而大量使用抗生素、磺胺类等化学药物,往往造成药物残留于动物组织中。兽药残留既包括原药,也包括药物在动物体内的代谢产物。在食品中由于药物本身的副反应或耐药性细菌种群的增长,将增加潜在健康安全问题。近年,在我国由于盐酸克伦特罗(“瘦肉精”)兴奋剂可以使禽、畜产生足够的瘦肉而被大量使用,从而使更多食用残留有“瘦肉精”食品的消费者引起中毒反应,严重者甚至死亡 。
超量使用可能对人体造成危害。经质量技术监督部门检测,曾有在面粉中超限量5倍添加增白剂“过氧化苯甲酰”;在腌 菜中超标量20多倍使用苯甲酸;在饮料中成倍超标使用的化学合成甜味剂等等。
加工食品使用劣质原料给食品安全造成极大隐患。如:用病死畜禽加工熟肉制品;用“地沟油”加工 油炸食品等。
近年来假冒伪劣食品在一些地区,特别是广大农村地区肆意横行。如:用化学合成物质掺兑的酱油、 食醋;用工业酒精制造假酒、甲醇假冒白酒等。
食品基本都以动植物生物组织作为主要成分。这些物质在一定条件下会发生一系列的化学和生物变化 ,产生各种对人体有害的物质。比如变质的鲜奶、酸奶、鲜肉等。
生物技术产品的出现同样带来了安全性问题。如今,转基因食品早已摆上了人们的餐桌,转基因食品也具有潜在的危险:可能损害人类的免疫系统 (标记基因);可能产生过敏综合症;可能对人类有毒性;对环境和生态系统有害;对人类和人体存在未知的危害。
2 、食品安全的外部性问题
3 、企业与消费者之间的利益冲突
4 、政府在市场经济中的规制、职能
2、谢敏 于永达 对中国食品安全问题的分析 上海经济研究 2007年 第21期
3、 李新生 食品安全与中国安全食品的发展现状 食品科学 2008年 第02期
4、郝记明 马丽艳 李景明 食品安全问题及其控制食品安全的措施 食品与发酵工业 2004年 第02期
5、汤天曙 薛毅 我国食品安全现状和对策 食品工业科技 2002年

『拾』 英语作文食品安全

食品安全问题Food Safety Issues
In recent years, China’s food instry occurs security issus frequently, which makes people worried and lose confidence. Food safety, related to the people’s health, safety and healthy development of economy, is the major issue of national stability and social development. Since the Sanlu Incident occurred in , the entire society increasingly concerned about food safety issue. It was in this context that the food safety issue was referred to an unprecedented level.

